Tuesday, March 1, 2011

His family...

Yes, you read it correctly, this is Mr. Ziona Chana's family, actually the World's largest family: 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. You now know why he needs a mansion with 100 rooms. And if you can count, you might have recognized, a 100 rooms is still way too less rooms for the whole family. How to handle it? The 39 wives stay together in the below dormitory.

Ziona Chana's first wife teaches the household chores to a new member. His wives take turns in cooking, daughters clean the house while men take care of the outdoor jobs.

Ziona Chana is the head of a local Christian religious sect, named Chana, which preaches polygamy. This group has 400 families as members. Ziona Chana, the head of the World's largest family, is very happy to receive the title and says he does not mind extending it even more which he brought him to the idea to travel to the United States to find some more wives. So if you are interested...

Source: Picture1/Picture2

Monday, February 28, 2011

His house...

... if you've joined the blog just right now, you need to read the last day's post. This is Mr. Chana's house, 100 rooms, located in Mizoram, India. Quite huge I would say. Well, he absolutely needs this space. For what you are asking? Join the blog tomorrow again to get to know more.

Source: Picture

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ladies and gents...

...may I introduce myself: my name is Ziona Chana. I'm 67 years old and I live in India. You might ask yourself now what's so special about me? Come back tomorrow and the following days so you will see...


Friday, February 25, 2011

Bustling Bangkok...

Flying to Hanoi, Vietnam, in almost one and a half month. Time almost can't pass quick enough. First stop will be Hanoi, Halong Bay, down the whole Vietnamese coast to Ho Chi Minh, Cambodia to Bangkok. Really looking forward to Bangkok, its food, its fantastic people, markets etc. It is just such a fantastic city. Reckon my dad will like to food too;-)

Source: Picture 1 / Picture 2

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Love - a weird thing...

Love can be the best thing in the world but it also can be very weird and confusing. It is maybe just best to enjoy and to not think too much about it... Live, laugh and love!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Get lost...

...amongst the 2000 limestone rocks in Halong Bay, Vietnam. Last time I was there we went canoeing and almost got lost. It is such a lovely place, beautiful clean waters, friendly people on their houseboats and a perfect sunrise/sunset spot. In April we will have a 2 day trip on an overnight boat along these rocks. Can't wait...

Source: Picture 1 / Picture 2

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So impressive...

Look at these beautiful pictures, these temples are so impressive. You might know them from Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie but I will be glad to experience Angkor Wat myself during my next trip to Asia. I can imagine that this will be a quite overwhelming feeling strolling around these majestic buildings. Just love Asia...

Source: Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 / Picture 4

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feeling healthy...

Creativity in a different way: why not working with a new CMYK scale system? It would help to remind you that there are also healthy things to eat, not only chocolate, biscuits and Haribo gums;-) Or you can try the broccoli-bag below or play a horror theater with a red pepper...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

As(s) you feel like...

Just say it the way you are feeling right now. It might be the one or the other;-)

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/6935678

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Love to watch such pictures and clips, just looks so awesome. Never would have the courage to ride such huge waves, respect guys! If you are not as sportive as I am you might like another way of surfing: with the Surf Chair. It was the winner in the categorie 'Best Product' at the Scandinavian Furniture Fair 2000 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Source Surfchair:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Are you bored?

Then you might wanna try the same thing as the guy in the picture. Did once something similar crazy in Australia but felt a little bit (hihi, yes I'm lying) scared. How do you know the cliff is not going to collapse? Just keep your fingers crossed... 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Being creative...

Look at this escalator, this definately would bring some colour into different shopping malls. I would be glad if I would be just only half as creative as this escalator. Sorry guys, but at the moment, I just really don't have any ideas what to post. I'm off to Germany now for one week and then, hopefully, I will be back with lots of interesting posts... Happy week;-)

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/6424339

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thanks God it's Sunday...

When I entered this post, it was Wednesday, two days prior to the Show in Paris so I actually didn't have a clue how I will be feeling on Sunday. But I guess I'm pretty right now, thanks God it is Sunday, means I'm done with the first Show of the year, next one to come in less then one weeks time. DĂĽsseldorf, I'm coming...

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/5970474

Saturday, January 15, 2011

China and the loungepillow...

Hi travelbums and co.;-) You might maybe ask youself what those two pictures have in common. Is it maybe the brown colour? No, totally wrong... Guess what: I've won a lounge pillow by entering the above picture into a competition, a loud yeahhhh. I'm really happy and I absolutely can use a loungepillow. The above picture was taken during my overland trip from Bangkok to Hongkong. There were really good picture-opportunities. Wanna have more information on this? Just go and visit www.loungepillow.ch! Thanks to loungepillow and to the team of the FESPO Show as well, as they organized the photo-competition. What a good mid-week start;-)

Source: www.loungepillow.ch

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pas chez Clément...

You might remember that I'm in Paris at the moment. We normally used to go the Chez Clément a few times within 3 or 4 days. The restaurant is very popular for its fresh seafood such as oisters, shrimps etc. Getting a little sick of it now as it was just too many times Chez Clément for the last two years.

Really: if you are hungry and you wanna have something simple, is there anything better than a good pasta with a delicious tomatoe-sauce with fresh basil? Yumm... Just love it. Even the cheapest and ugliest tomatoe sauce from a discounter gets quite delicious with fresh basil. Great herb... Well anyway, we decided today to go out at least once, right to the beautiful town. Bon appetit...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's the 13th...

... not Friday though, but one day prior to the first Show... And that means: I have to grab a pen and write in bold writing the following letters on my forehead: A - S - S - H - O - L - E, because that is the job and position I'm holding for the next two weeks. I'm also chief of a kindergarten, did you know that. Can't I be happy to have such a diversified job?

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/5475222

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To do...

What is your to do list for 2011 resp. what are your goals for 2011? Hmmm, I guess there will be a few more to come, but so far:
- Enjoy work and like what I do
- Find a good idea to become an entrepreneur
- Try to overcome the pain of my lost love
- Hopefully find the love of my live
- Get a nice gravestone for my mum
- Show my dad South East Asia
- Get organized back home
- ....

Many more tasks to come. 2011 is a new year and hopefully a new chance too.

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/6115493

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pole position...

Poledance looks so easy and soooo sexy but it is really hard work and you have to forget about all the sore muscels and bruises you get. But it is such good fun. I tried it a few weeks ago and decided to sign up for a first course. It is quite funny, all these different girls with different shapes trying to look happy and as sexy as the professional ones. Ages to go though as we are just doing choreography at the moment and no acrobatics. Anyway, just could recommend it. If you would like to know more, check this one out, Christina and her team are doing a gret job: http://www.polelicious.ch/.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and co...

Finally my dad and I managed to find a trip which suits us both. As he wasn't really keen on going on the Transsib Railway we decided to go to South East Asia. As I already did a fair bit of SE-Asia I was allowed to chose the final tour. We now will start off in Hanoi and Halong Bay, then travelling down the whole costline towards Ho Chi Minh, crossing the border into Cambodia, travel through Cambodia with different stops. Final destination after 3.5 weeks will be Bangkok where I already spent two fantastic weeks in 2006. As we are on a limited time budget, we will do the Indochina Discovery with Intrepid. It is great travelling with them as you get to know the locals, local life and you get off the beaten track as well. Just love it and really looking forward to it.

Source: http://photos.linternaute.com/photo/1203335/1327109358/1777/vendeuse-a-hanoi/ and http://www.stuckincustoms.com/category/travel/cambodia/

Sunday, January 9, 2011


What a good shot, way too cute though. Guess this would be my favourite monkey in a zoo;-)

Source: http://pinterest.com/pin/2586913/

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grey in grey...

Grey in grey... What beautiful combinations. Like how those two girls are dressed up. Makes the grey weather outside more cheerful;-) 

Source: http://pinterest.com/pin/2577982/ / http://pinterest.com/pin/2586888/

Friday, January 7, 2011


Life can be so weird and unfair. 2010 was definately not my year and the start in 2011 is not the best one either. It is funny that sometimes you don't realize how much you love somebody until the person has gone. People get used to each other so quickly and it hurts so much to lose beloved ones. Anyhow, that's life I guess: anything to offer and not predictable... Wonderful life from Hurts when it hurts...

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/5853213

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eclipse of the sun...

This picture was taken in Indonesia last Monday. Quite unbelieveable when you think of how small the world is compared to the whole universe, we are just a small dot in the middle of nowhere. Anybody out there?...

Source: http://www.n24.de/news/newsitem_4737945.html

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pure elegance...

I was pretty impressed by the shot above. I mean, look at this beauty. No other creature in the world represents so much elegance and power. Love it...

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/5126967 and http://www.flickr.com/photos/isayes/5204883213/

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cowboys, watch out...

Look at this little jillaroo. Doesn't she look very pretty with her pink boots? I guess all sort of mobs would follow her immediately...

Source: http://daisiesarelikesunshine.tumblr.com/post/2400523824

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What about...

... a trip to Paris? Tomorrow I will be back to work again, prepare the last important things for the Show in Paris. I like Paris, it is a beautiful city, if there just wouldn't be the French language. A few more days to get prepared for all the cool people, divas and babies...

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/4949330

Saturday, January 1, 2011


...to 2011. Let's welcome this new year with hopefully lots of joyful things. It is just day 1 today so still 364 days to come. They will pass as quickly as the other years so enjoy the good things and try not too worry about bad or sad things. All the best guys for 2011!

Source: http://www.lizzieridout.com/welcome.html
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